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It might happen when you sit down to read your first case at home or when you take a seat in your first class on the first day of school. Or maybe it won’t happen until you get called on in class for the first time. But trust us — at some point during those […]
Ready to start building your bid list? You’ve come to the right place.
Many students spend up to 150 hours researching career options during law school. That research tends to be heavy on superficial info but light on insight.
The dapper male attorney has typically been the exception, not the rule.
We all know what it’s like: misreading the assignment and briefing the wrong cases. Or reading the right cases, but totally failing to understand them. Or missing class and scrambling to catch up.
When it comes to separating good law students from great ones, there’s one key difference: how they approach outlining.
A few of us at LearnLeo are big fans of the show How I Met Your Mother. Aside from being funny and poignant, the show also offers a few life lessons.
You’ve heard it said ad nauseum – go to the best law school that you can get into. So you did your diligence and applied to about 10 schools: two or three “safety” schools, three or four “on par” schools and three or four “reach” schools.
Meet One, Two, and Three. One has been working at a congressional office for two-plus years, and she is going to be your classmate. She wants to be a federal prosecutor, but is open to getting some related experience at a place like the ASPCA during one of her summers.