Make law school less overwhelming

More efficient class prep through online cases, streamlined
note-taking, and mobile access

Study Smarter

Save hours every day and
focus on the important things.

Don’t waste time briefing cases. Highlight and take notes in your assigned cases online. Then click a button to automatically turn your notes into a case brief.

Study Anywhere

Leave your books at home and
prep for class on the go.

Lugging casebooks everywhere is a pain. Prep for class with LearnLeo and get work done at school, at home, or on the bus. Sync your work between all your devices.

Thousands of students at the Top 20 Law Schools
use LearnLeo to prep for class.

Organized, searchable cases and notes get you ready to answer any questions thrown your way.
Save Time
Use the hours you’ll save every day to start outlining during the year and get the grades you want.
Get ahead now and be ready for exams when your classmates are scrambling.
Fast Case Prep

With our case prep tools you can quickly highlight, categorize, and take notes on important passages.

Efficiency throught repetition
Automatic Case Summaries

Once you’ve highlighted and taken notes in the case, switch from Case View to Brief View to see a summary of your notes.

"After using LearnLeo almost exclusively for my second
semester I was able to transfer to Yale. I cannot overstate
how essential LearnLeo was to my success."

Carl, Yale Law

Master 1L year with LearnLeo

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