We caught up with a few of our users to find out more about how they use LearnLeo to: Outline faster and get better grades Read for class from anywhere Prepare for class Here’s what they had to say.
We caught up with a few of our users to find out more about how they use LearnLeo to: Outline faster and get better grades Read for class from anywhere Prepare for class Here’s what they had to say.
Let’s just get it out there: law school grading is kind of absurd. In how many other disciplines will one final exam determine all (or nearly all) of your grade?
One the most important things to manage in law school is time. Your first term is about three months long and professors will pack a ton of material into that window. Don’t spend two months learning how to walk while your professors expect you to run.
Nothing generates more anxiety than 1L grades. For most students, preparing for class, not missing class, outlining, and studying hard for exams will yield successful results.
When it comes to separating good law students from great ones, there’s one key difference: how they approach outlining. While most students tend to worry about how to create law school outlines, the better questions are when to start the process and what to do with your law school outlines once you’ve created them. In […]